Sunday, September 30, 2012


Mokoli'i, also known as Chinaman's Hat, is an iconic basalt island off Oahu that has been used in many popular films.  The Kualoa Ranch (aka The Jurasic Park tour) uses it on its logo.  While on vacation, we did the four different tours at Kualoa including the Secret Island tour.  I took my paints, but did not paint.  However, I did take several (okay, lots and lots of) photos that I hope/plan to paint.  This is the first I hope many of paintings from those reference photos I took.

                                                         Watercolor on paper 9x12

I am not completely satisfied with this one and almost feel it is a step back in terms of technique (not every picture is going to be a winner; still learning watercolors after all).  I think the trees and sky, and even Mokoli'i itself is not bad. The water, however is rather flat and lacking (I was going to try using salt as a way to make it more interesting but forgot).  Perhaps I should try and rework it but I think I would rather move on to another subject, especially doing another painting en plein air.  

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